Long sleeve shirts

MARVELIS shirts with a normal, non-waisted cut, if you like to wear shirts looser and more casual.
Clicking on your size will take you to a selection of current MARVELIS long sleeve shirts sorted by neck size.

Important when choosing the size: The adjacent sizes, such as 37/38 or 39/40, etc., are exactly the same on average (waist, etc.). The difference is only in the neck, namely 1cm

37-38 (S)

MARVELIS Shirts from neckline 37 to 38 in the cut: COMFORT FIT...

39-40 (M)

MARVELIS shirts from neckline 39 to 40 in the cut: COMFORT FIT...

41-42 (L)

MARVELIS shirts from neckline 41 to 42 in cut form: COMFORT...

43-44 (XL)

MARVELIS shirts from neckline 43 to 44 in cut form: COMFORT...

45-46 (XXL)

MARVELIS shirts from neckline 45 to 46 in the cut: COMFORT FIT...

47-48 (3XL)

MARVELIS shirts from neckline 47 to 48 in cut form: COMFORT...

49-50 (4XL)

MARVELIS shirts from neckline 49 to 50 in the cut: COMFORT FIT...

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